red tape
red tape
Tandem uses AI to handle prior authorizations,
pharmacy coordination, and affordability for every Rx.
Tandem uses AI to handle prior authorizations,
pharmacy coordination, and
affordability for every Rx.
Lift the burden from your practice
Same-day submission
100% of PAs are submitted same-day
Faster approval
2 days from Rx to approval
Less admin time
0% of practice time is spent on PAs
Eliminate the burden on your practice
Same-day submission
100% of PAs are submitted same-day
Fast approval
2 days from prescription until PA approval
Less admin time
0% of practice time is spent on PAs
Eliminate the burden on your practice
Same-day submission
100% of PAs are submitted same-day
Fast approval
2 days from prescription until PA approval
Less admin time
0% of practice time is spent on PAs
Same-day submission
100% of PAs are submitted same-day
Fast approval
2 days from prescription until PA approval
Less admin time
0% of practice time is spent on PAs
Lift the burden from your practice
Tandem works with any
Tandem works with any
Tandem works with any
How it works
Prescribe like normal. We're already in your EHR as Tandem Pharmacy (Access Support).
We handle all of the paperwork, including prior authorizations.
Your patient receives the medication at their pharmacy of choice for pick-up or delivery.
Coverage for Dupixent was approved for 12 months.
How it works
Prescribe like normal. We're already in your EHR as Tandem Pharmacy (Access Support).
We handle all of the paperwork, including prior authorizations.
Your patient receives the medication at their pharmacy of choice for pick-up or delivery.
Coverage for Dupixent was approved for 12 months.
How it works
Prescribe like normal. We're already in your EHR as Tandem Pharmacy (Access Support).
We work to get you insurance coverage and check coupons and prices.
Your patient receives the medication at their pharmacy of choice for pick-up or delivery.
Coverage for Dupixent was approved for 12 months.
How it works
Prescribe like normal. We're already in your EHR as Tandem Pharmacy (Access Support).
We handle all of the paperwork, including prior authorizations.
Your patient receives the medication at their pharmacy of choice for pick-up or delivery.
Coverage for Dupixent was approved for 12 months.
Never deal with PBMs again
Every aspect of understanding formularies, prior authorizations, and appeals is offloaded. Tandem stays on top of payers & PBMs with daily calls.
Never deal with pharmacy issues again
Prescriptions are routed to the right pharmacy based on preference, price, and network. Tandem confirms availability and cost to avoid surprises.
Know your patients are taken care of
Tandem finds the best path for every prescription, using coverage, financial assistance, and cash options as appropriate.
Never deal with PBMs again
Every aspect of understanding formularies, prior authorizations, and appeals is offloaded. Tandem stays on top of payers & PBMs with daily calls.
Never deal with pharmacy issues again
Prescriptions are routed to the right pharmacy based on preference, price, and network. Tandem confirms availability and cost to avoid surprises.
Know your patients are taken care of
Tandem finds the best path for every prescription, using coverage, financial assistance, and cash options as appropriate.
Never deal with PBMs again
Every aspect of understanding formularies, prior authorizations, and appeals is offloaded. Tandem stays on top of payers & PBMs with daily calls.
Never deal with pharmacy issues again
Prescriptions are routed to the right pharmacy based on preference, price, and network. Tandem confirms availability and cost to avoid surprises.
Know your patients are taken care of
Tandem finds the best path for every prescription, using coverage, financial assistance, and cash options as appropriate.
Never deal with PBMs again
Every aspect of understanding formularies, prior authorizations, and appeals is offloaded. Tandem stays on top of payers & PBMs with daily calls.
Never deal with pharmacy issues again
Prescriptions are routed to the right pharmacy based on preference, price, and network. Tandem confirms availability and cost to avoid surprises.
Know your patients are taken care of
Tandem finds the best path for every prescription, using coverage, financial assistance, and cash options as appropriate.
Customer highlight
After Neurology practice switched to Tandem
20% higher
Approval rate for PAs
70% faster
Reduced waiting time for PA drugs
60 min saved
From 60 minutes to zero on each PA
An invaluable resource to our practice. Their assistance has directly resulted in more patients getting their medications."
General manager of Neurology practice
"Tandem is an invaluable resource to our practice. Their assistance directly resulted in more patients getting their medications.”
General manager of Neurology practice
Customer highlight
After Neurology practice switched to Tandem
20% higher
Approval rate for PAs
70% faster
Reduced waiting time for PA drugs
60 min saved
From 60 minutes to zero on each PA
“Tandem is an invaluable resource to our practice. Their assistance directly resulted in more patients getting their medications.”
General manager of Neurology practice
Customer highlight
After Neurology practice switched to Tandem
20% higher
Approval rate for PAs
70% faster
Reduced waiting time for PA drugs
60 min saved
From 60 minutes to zero on each PA
Tandem is an invaluable resource to our practice. Their assistance directly resulted in more patients getting their medications.”
General manager of Neurology practice
Customer highlight
After Neurology practice switched to Tandem
20% higher
Approval rate for PAs
70% faster
Reduced waiting time for PA drugs
60 min saved
From 60 minutes to zero on each PA
How do I get started?
Who actually fills the prescription?
How does Tandem communicate with patients?
What reporting does Tandem provide?
How do I get started?
Who actually fills the prescription?
How does Tandem communicate with patients?
What reporting does Tandem provide?
How do I get started?
Who actually fills the prescription?
How does Tandem communicate with patients?
What reporting does Tandem provide?
How do I get started?
Who actually fills the prescription?
How does Tandem communicate with patients?
What reporting does Tandem provide?